Mirc chat hispano
Mirc chat hispano

mirc chat hispano

#gnome-clocks ( Matrix or irc) - GNOME Clocks channel #cheese ( Matrix or irc) - Cheese channel #c++ ( or irc) - GNOME Developers C++ bindings channel #gnome-calendar ( Matrix or irc) - GNOME Calendar channel #gnome-builder ( Matrix or irc) - GNOME Builder channel #abiword ( Matrix or irc) - channel for AbiWord #travel ( Matrix or irc) - the channel for contacting the Travel Committee with any questions about the GNOME travel policy or help with your sponsorship requests. #soc ( Matrix or irc) - the channel for Google Summer of Code applicants and participants

mirc chat hispano

#release-team ( Matrix or irc) - the Gnome Release Team channel #newcomers ( Matrix or irc) - the channel for getting started with contributing to GNOME #guadec ( Matrix or irc) - a channel for the GNOME Users And Developers European Conference #gnome-women ( Matrix or irc) - the channel used by GNOME Women #extensions ( Matrix or irc) - the channel to discuss developing, debugging and supporting extensions Extensions Rebooted #gnome-shell ( Matrix or irc) - the channel to discuss running, developing, or designing for the GNOME-Shell #gnome-os ( Matrix or irc) - discussion about GNOME as an Operating System #gnome-hackers ( Matrix or irc) - general GNOME Development talk

mirc chat hispano

#gnome-design ( Matrix or irc) - the channel used by the GNOME Design Team #gnome ( Matrix or irc) - the channel for general help and talking about GNOME #foundation ( Matrix or irc) - the channel used by the GNOME Foundation

mirc chat hispano

#engagement ( Matrix or irc) - used by the GNOME Engagement Team #docs ( Matrix or irc) - for the GNOME Documentation Project #bugs ( Matrix or irc) - the channel used by the GNOME Bugsquad #i18n ( Matrix or irc) - the channel for the GNOME Translation Project Here are other channels you may be interested in joining - feel free to join as many as you'd like, or start new ones and add them here so others can join:

Mirc chat hispano